Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Reckless extrapolators

1. So in 1929 you observe 24 galaxies that appear to recede from you and you extrapolate from 24 observations of galaxies to the entire universe! So far we know that there are at least 200 billion galaxies. Only a fool or a crook extrapolates from a sample of 24 to 200 billion!

2. And in 2022 you are shocked that your ridiculous extrapolation did not work and your telescope is seeing things “no models” predicts. Cosmology is a hoax.

3. Why is cosmology a hoax? Because these physicists know that there is a region of the universe from which no light comes to us? What does this mean? It means that humans could never know or, even speculate about, the “universe as a whole”.

4. People who ignored in the 20th century the fact that no light comes from the dark parts of the universe decided to study the "universe as a whole" and invented a beginning for the universe, now in the 21. century they invent theories of multiple universes!! Do you see the crooked logic? 

5. Only charlatans pretend to know what is unkowable. And cosmology is charlatanism. Not even shamanism, charlatanism.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Rotation and revolution

- I reserve the word "rotation" for the rotation of a solid disk, or a spinning top, or a whirling sling. These are motions where all rotating points have the same angular velocity. Rotational motion obeys the radian rule.

- I reserve the word "revolution" for orbital motion. Since orbital motion obeys Kepler's Rule (not the radian rule), objects revolving at different radii, have different angular velocities.

- This means that, a formula such as $a=v^2/r$ which is valid for rotation will not be valid for revolutions.

- But Newton and his disciples assume that rotation and revolution are the same motion and they build their theory of orbital motion on this similarity. This is why they claim that orbital motion must be dynamical and forceful.

- But orbital revolution is circular inertia, as Galileo thought.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Newton's miracle force

 A brief article about Newton's absurd force of gravity: 

1. Do you know how Newton's force of gravity is defined?

2. Newton's force of gravity is defined as a miracle! 

3. Newton wants us to believe in a miracle.

4. And what is the cause of gravity? 

5. According to Newton the cause of gravity is God. This is what Newton says.

6. Why is Newton's force a miracle? 

7. Because Newton defined this “force” as a physical cause that crossed distances without time passing. 

8. Light takes 4 minutes to travel from the sun to the earth. 

9. Newton’s miracle force travels from the sun to the earth in 0 (zero) seconds. 

10. This is called a miracle because in this world nothing travels without time passing. 

11. In fact, "something is happenning" means "time passing”.We divide time into segments (snapshots) and we give a name to each segment.

12. In this world time must pass for something to happen. 

13. Newton’s “force” is not an exception to this universal law.

14. In Newton's fairy tale world, time may obey Newton's occult and absurd doctrines but not in this world.

15. So instead of believing every absurdity Newton uttered we must question them.

Is timeless travel possible?

 1. I call "timeless travel" the ability to travel distances without time passing. 2. Timeless travel is the defining property o...