1. I call "timeless travel" the ability to travel distances without time passing.
2. Timeless travel is the defining property of Newton's force. This force forms orbits by bending straight lines into circles and then powers the orbit by interacting with the orbiting body. Newton's force achieves all these supernatural feats by traveling timelessly. Newton's force is everywhere at once. In physics the unit of being everywhere at once is called "Newton".
3. There is an absurdity here. Speed is defined as $$s=\frac{d}{t}$$.
4. But in timeless travel we have $$s=\frac{d}{}$$
5. In timeless travel $t$ is not zero nor does it have any other value, it just does not exist in the formulas, that's what "timeless" mean. $$s=\frac{d}{}$$ is a lame equation, where a term is missing. You would be surprised how wide-spread lame equations are in physics. They are not visible because the missing term is usually filled in with a placeholder term or a crutch.
6. And Newton the greatest sophist and self-promoting scientific fraud ever lived was able to sell this timeless travel as a physical thing and his disciples still protect Newton's lame definition of speed by using slimy and slippery tricks of rhetorical sophistry.
7. I think calling Newton's force "supernatural" does not make justice to Newton's fame, we ought to call it a fairy tale force.
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