Saturday, November 26, 2022
We can only observe the observable universe
Friday, November 4, 2022
The hoax called "cosmology"
On these lecture notes, Section 7.3 is called “Our Universe”. What does “Our Universe” mean? Do you have a definition of the word “universe”? No, you don’t, you use it without defining it. Cosmologists study an undefined entity called “universe”. They refuse to define what the word “universe” means. For this reason alone cosmology cannot be considered a science.
I counted 33 instances of the word “universe” and none of it is defined. From the context I gather that you use the word “universe” to mean both a “cosmos” and “the universe as a whole”. “Cosmos” and “universe as a whole” are not synonyms. Physicists do not care to ackowledge the difference between a cosmos and the universe as a whole. On the contrary, they love to conflate the two because cosmology is based on this deliberate confusion.
We have no way of knowing what a physicist means when he uses the word “universe.” And they like it that way.
Imagine a medical doctor using the words “flue”, “covid” and “allergy” as synonyms. Can he trust him?
A cosmos is a harmonious system defined by physicists. Example: Friedman-Robertson-Walker cosmos.
Cosmos is defined to be understandable by the mathematical tools currently used by physicists. Cosmos is not the universe as a whole. But physicists, the modern scholastic Doctors of Philosophy, define a cosmos and then, with a sleight of hand, define their cosmos as the universe as a whole. This secret assumption makes cosmology a hoax.
Physicists use the words “cosmos”, “universe”, “observable universe” and “universe as a whole” interchangeably. These words are synonymes in physics:
cosmos == universe == observable universe == universe as a whole
So, for a physicist, the observable universe is the universe as a whole.
Cosmologists always assume implicitly that the observable universe is the whole universe. This is the oldest trick in cosmology.
The undeniable truth is that physicists do not know the universe as a whole because no information reach us from beyond the observable universe.
The Undeniable Truth that No One Can Deny Even the Most Arrogant Physicist:
The Undeniable Truth #1:
No information come to us from beyond the observable universe.
There is only one conclusion any rational person can draw from the Undeniable Truth #1:
Undeniable Conclusion #1:
We don’t know the universe as a whole and never will.
But physicists working in the field of cosmology are not bound by the Aristotelian logic or by any kind of logic. Physicists are professional sophists who must conform observations to the official physics doctrine.
When confronted with the Undeniable Truth #1, how will a cosmologist reason?
A cosmologist must pretend to study the universe as a whole, otherwise all his authority will disappear. His job is to pretend to reveal the unknowable secrets of the universe as a whole to the rest of us who do not have his alleged supernatural powers.
The cosmologist desperately wants the observable universe to be the whole universe, but he knows that it is not, so what does he do? He creates multiple wholes(!).
The word “universe” means “the whole”, therefore, the word universe does not have a plural because “multiple wholes” is sophistry and does not make sense. But the cosmologist writes the word universe as “universes”. Cosmologist reasons, “we don’t see beyond the observable universe, therefore there must a multiplicity of universes(!).”
The sophist who calls himself “cosmologist” is studying a cosmos that he defined himself. He is not studying the universe as a whole.
Physicists enjoy a government enforced monopoly on cosmological topics and they feel free to corrupt scientific reasoning to practice the cosmological hoax.
Why? Because academic physicists doing cosmology are scholastic Doctors of Philosophy and their only goal is to move up in the academic ladder by revealing the unknowable secrets of the universe.
The Undeniable Truth #1 proves that we don’t know the universe as a whole and we will never know the universe as a whole. If you are aware of this fact and you still claim to know the universe as a whole by sophistical casuistry and casuistical sophistry then you will be called a charlatan and a hoaxster.
Anyone who claims to know the universe as a whole while knowing that he cannot know the universe as a whole because no information comes to us from beyond the observable universe is a charlatan and a hoaxster in the same class of confidence men as the sellers of the Brooklyn Bridge. Pretending to know something you don’t know is charlatanism.
General Relativity is not exempt from this rule. Einstein did not know the universe as a whole and he knew he did not know the universe as a whole but went ahead and computed the radius of the universe anyway. Einstein the charlatan computed the radius of the whole universe. Einstein used the authority of mathematics to hide his charlatanism.
Edwin Hubble observed 19 galaxies and concluded all galaxies in the universe as a whole were receding from us. This is charlatanism. Not only charlatanism but a farce.
* * *
Your status as a teacher is different. You just teach legal doctrine of physics. “Doctor” means somebody who is licensed to teach the doctrine to new initiates. This is what you are doing. You are not making a new discovery. You just teach absurd fairy tales and creation myths cloaked in the language of mathematics as science.
You are only guilty of using mathematics as false witness. But in physics this is not a crime, it is a feature.
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