Monday, March 18, 2019

Black Holes do not exist

This is an email Stephen J. Crothers sent out about black holes and other absurdities promoted by academic physicists. I copy it in its entirety.


Associate Professor Alan Duffy,,
Swinburne University of Technology and Lead Scientist of the Royal Institution Australia,

Dear Sir,

I note your recent comments on your Facebook page in reply to Mr. David White's remarks. Since you have deliberately removed Mr. White's comments, and mine too, from your Facebook page, here are some of them again.

“Hi David, I provide these posts freely with no promise of replying to every statement.

“However because you have asked nicely I am happy to reply this ONE TIME and hopefully retaining my (never actually claimed?) good bloke status - I have the signal of colliding black holes (the waveform) in my office so I will ask you and your colleagues to first explain the detected signal at LIGO before I enjoy reviewing your proof on the existence of black holes (which again have actually been measured). A theory must explain all evidence to date before proposing additional effects... here’s a wonderful thought piece by Nobel Laureate Gerard ‘t Hooft on how to make a good theory/theorist (apologies if you’ve already read this). Good luck with your future efforts!” ---Alan Duffy

You didn't address any of the points concerning black holes raised by Mr. White, introducing instead various diversions to relieve you, it seems, of providing any explanations of anything.

I have the signal of colliding black holes (the waveform) in my office so I will ask you and your colleagues to first explain the detected signal at LIGO before I enjoy reviewing your proof on the existence of black holes (which again have actually been measured). ---Alan Duffy

That's not right, the 'waveform' in your office notwithstanding.

According to the astronomers and cosmologists the finite mass of their black hole is concentrated in zero volume, infinite density, and infinite gravity. But no finite mass has zero volume, infinite density, and infinite gravity. So the black hole does not exist [1,2].

The astronomers and cosmologists unwittingly give their black holes two different escape velocities and no capacity for an escape velocity, simultaneously, at the same place [3]. But nothing can have two different escape velocities and no capacity for an escape velocity, simultaneously, at the same place [3]. So black holes do not exist.

The astronomers and cosmologists give their black holes a non-intensive temperature, in violation of the zeroth and second laws of thermodynamics [4-6]. The astronomers and cosmologists give their black holes a non-extensive entropy, again in violation of the laws of thermodynamics [4-6]. So black holes do not exist.

The mathematical theory of black holes requires that the absolute value of a real number take on negative values, which is impossible [7], or, equivalently, that a sphere located at the origin of coordinates, when moved to some other place in the coordinate system, leaves its centre behind, which is impossible [7,8]. So the black hole does not exist. So LIGO did not detect black holes.

LIGO did not detect gravitational waves either. In 2015 LIGO's secret magical number was 250,000. No doubt this secret number has increased since then because it is limited only by computer memory and the stamina of computer programmers [9,10].

General Relativity cannot localise its gravitational energy [1,2] so there are no 'gravitational waves'.

General Relativity violates the usual conservation of energy and momentum of a closed system and is thereby in conflict with a vast array of experiments [9,10]. To satisfy the usual conservation laws Einstein constructed his 'pseudotensor' for the energy-momentum of his 'gravitational field alone'. To this he added his energy-momentum tensor for material sources. The sum is not a tensor owing to the pseudotensor, in conflict with Einstein's requirement that all the equations of physics be tensorial and thereby coordinate independent. But his pseudotensor is also coordinate dependent. Einstein and his followers nevertheless justify it because, they say, it acts 'like a tensor' under linear transformations of coordinates. Since it then acts 'like a tensor', it can be contracted. The result is a first-order intrinsic differential invariant. But the pure mathematicians proved in 1900 that first-order intrinsic differential invariants do not exist [9,10]. Thus, Einstein's pseudotensor is nothing but a meaningless concoction of mathematical symbols, so it cannot be used to represent any physical phenomena and can't be used to do any calculations.

What do Einstein and his followers do? They give it physical meaning and do calculations with it, including determination of the energy of 'gravitational waves'. It is also claimed by Einstein and his followers that his 'gravitational waves' propagate at the speed of light. That too is demonstrably false – the speed of propagation of his alleged waves is coordinate dependent: change the coordinates and the speed of propagation is altogether different to that of light [1,2,9].

The LIGO-VIRGO Collaboration has never published a calibration curve for detector output from a known laser input, in the attometre range. Professor Danzmann, of the VIRGO Collaboration has admitted, in writing, to Professor Wolfgang Engelhardt (retired of the Max Planck Institute), that the required calibration curve does not exist! The reason is simple: it can't be measured. So LIGO cannot measure to the attometre range or better, contrary to the claims of the LIGO-VIRGO Collaboration.

A theory must explain all evidence to date before proposing additional effects... here’s a wonderful thought piece by Nobel Laureate Gerard ‘t Hooft on how to make a good theory/theorist (apologies if you’ve already read this). ---Alan Duffy

The webpage you cite, by 't Hooft, is not a scientific argument and contains nothing of scientific merit. One can but wonder why you even cited it. 't Hooft has committed numerous serious mistakes, explained in [10].

Yours faithfully,
Stephen J. Crothers

[1] Crothers, S.J., LIGO -- Its Claims for Black Holes and Gravitational Waves | EU2017,

[2] Crothers, S.J., A Critical Analysis of LIGO's Recent Detection of Gravitational Waves Caused by Merging Black Holes, Hadronic Journal, Vol. 39, 2016,

[3] Crothers, S.J., Black Hole Escape Velocity, Sky Scholar, 2018,

[4] Robitaille, P.-M., How are Stars Formed? The Standard Model: Gravitational Collapse, Black Holes, and The Big Bang!

[5] Robitaille, P.-M., Does Gravitational Collapse Occur? Insight from the Laws of Thermodynamics!

[6] Robitaille, P.-M., Intensive and Extensive Properties - A Note of Caution!

[7] Crothers, S.J., On Corda’s ‘Clarification’ of Schwarzschild’s Solution, Hadronic Journal, Vol. 39, 2016,

[8] Crothers, S.J., Black Hole Geometry Analyzed, Sky Scholar, 2018,

[9] Crothers, S.J., Gravitational Waves: Propagation Speed is Co-ordinate Dependent, Poster Presentation, 2018 April APS Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, presented on 14th April 2018.

[10] Crothers, S. J., General Relativity: In Acknowledgement Of Professor Gerardus ‘t Hooft, Nobel Laureate, 4 August, 2014,

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